Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Its December 30, 2008 and I have been reflecting on this past year. 
And what a year it has been for me both personally and professionally.
It seems that my work is never done and have accepted that I have to go back to school again so that I can get my MFT license.  I am officially
a professional student. Personally, I have had several challenges in raising someone else's child.  I know that I am given things in life to learn and grow from, but at times I am simply tired. I just feel that I have learned enough 
for a lifetime, but of course that is not really the case. 
I hope to go into this new year more positive and by the end of this coming year I hope to feel successful and wiser then the year before. I will always send my love and hopes to all my friends and family. My one wish is that we all have a safe
and prosperous New Year, 2009.
peace and love always